
Category: Defense

Cannon - Defense - Clash Of Clans Guide -

"Cannons are great for point defense. Upgrade cannons to increase their firepower, but beware that your defensive turrets cannot shoot while being upgraded!"

- , Clash Of Clans!

Cannons are one of the very first defensive structures you can erect in your village. They are purchased using gold. They are single shot and have a range of 9. They only attack ground troops at a rate of 1 shot every 0.8 seconds. They take up a total of 9 squares in a 3 x 3 area. Thier high rate of fire power makes them excellent against Wall Breakers.

Below is a breakdown of each level upgrade and what you unlock after it's finished!

Level Town Hall Needed Number Available Damage Per Second Damage Per Shot Hit Points Cost Build Time Gained XP
1 1 2 9 7 400 250 1 Minute 7
2 1 2 11 9 450 1000 15 Minutes 17
3 2 2 15 12 500 4000 45 Minutes 51
4 3 2 19 15 550 16000 2 Hours 84
5 4 3 25 20 590 50000 6 Hours 146
6 5 3 31 25 610 100000 12 Hours 207
7 6 5 40 32 630 200000 1 Day 293
8 7 5 48 38 660 400000 2 Days 415
9 8 5 56 45 690 800000 3 Days 509
10 8 6 65 52 750 16000000 4 Days 587
11 9 6 75 60 900 32000000 5 Days 657

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